Armilar is a market intelligence company for the public procurement market that operates in different countries. We help companies define their business strategy, get to know their competitors and find business opportunities in the public market.
A service similar to Business Intelligence but focused on market data. The Market Intelligence process involves collecting market data from various sources, processing, standardizing and applying algorithms to it, and finally presenting it in an intuitive and user-friendly way for decision-making.
For Portugal, Armilar collects data directly from the VORTAL platform and supplements it with the base.gov portal, where all public procurement data in Portugal is centralized.
In Spain, the main source of data is PLACSP (Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Publico), which centralizes public data in Spain, and Armilar complements this data with the other autonomous public procurement platforms by community (Catalonia, Madrid, Andalusia, Galicia, the Basque Country, La Rioja and Navarre).
All companies that work with the public administration or have an interest in public procurement market data. Companies that want to centralize public procurement procedures on a single platform or that want to stay one step ahead of the competition with market intelligence tools.